To read FULL letter to Jodie Harrison - click here

WEL suggested Items for discussion

  • The role,  production and implementation of women’s policy in the Government
  • Role of the Minister and Office for Women in coordination across portfolios.
  • What plans are there for producing a gender lens on the budget and instituting gender responsive budgeting?
  • Status and funding of Previous Governments commitments- NSW Women’s Strategy and Early Childhood Education and Care Commitments in 2022 Budget

Federal Government achievements for women so far and scope and clarity of their pre-election commitments, eg re National Plans, pay equity, and soon to be released Gender Equality Strategy.

  • How will NSW support these plans and the Strategy? 
  • Advice to Minister from advocacy orgs and role of WEL
  • Critical potential role of an independent Working Women’s Centre

Women's Electoral Lobby Au


Women's Electoral Lobby is a national, independent, non-party political, feminist lobby group working to ensure the rights of Australian women are protected.