MEDIA RELEASE: 20 June 2016 

Baird Government Needs to Get Serious About

Domestic Violence Funding

Women’s Electoral Lobby (WEL) says the Baird Government should get serious about funding for frontline services for women fleeing domestic violence.

“The latest NSW Government claims in its State Budget announcement on Domestic and Family Violence funding about leading the nation in tackling domestic violence are just more spin!” says Jozefa Sobski, Convenor of WEL NSW.

“There is no provision for women’s refuges funding. Refuges are the frontline crisis services for women and children’s safety.”

“$7.8 million for Safer Pathway in 2016/17 to rollout 19 new sites does not replace women’s refuge services wiped out under the Government’s flawed Going Home Staying Home reforms, said Ms Sobski.

“WEL is seeking a major commitment from all governments to fund its Women and Children’s Safety Program. This requires the NSW Government to commit to over $300 million over five years to fund adequate crisis services, that is, women’s refuges and shelters.”

“No matter how announcements are packaged and spun for the State Budget, WEL knows that services dedicated to meeting the needs of women and children fleeing domestic violence are stretched to the limit. Crisis and transitional housing must be funded adequately by the Baird Government”, insisted Ms Sobski.

Available for comment:

Jozefa Sobski, Convenor WEL NSW

M: 0403  895 929 E: [email protected]


For further information on WEL’s Women and Children’s Safety Program:

Visit to download the Women and Children Safety Program.



Amanda Keeling


Advocate, communicator, passionate re social justice, rights, civil liberties.