WEL Australia Annual General Meeting – 3 December 2023

The WELA AGM held via Zoom, was attended by 37 members with 13 apologies. The WELA AGM Minutes record the amendments to the WELA Constitution which create one national WEL without recognition of state or territory WEL incorporated associations. They record also some other minor amendments as required by the ACT Associations Incorporation Act and Regulation.

WEL NSW dissolved at its AGM held on 2nd December. The draft Minutes of that meeting are available HERE. WEL VIC has indicated it will be winding up and WEL SA is still considering its position having only revived in the last 3 years. All resources from WEL NSW are to be transferred to the national body. WEL VIC is also intending to transfer its funds.

There were thirteen members of the National Coordinating Committee (NCC) declared elected out of a possible thirty members now allowed under the amended Constitution. They come from three states – NSW, Victoria and South Australia and one territory – ACT. The aim is to attract more NCC members from other states so that WELA becomes a truly national body. Future organisational arrangements, including: direction and priority setting, deployment of resources, decisions on ways of working, maintaining an authoritative digital presence, identifying spokespeople on key issues, creating content for an eNewsletter and responding to emerging national and critical state policy issues, will be determined by the new NCC.

Women's Electoral Lobby has been a constant, prominent and relevant voice in the gender advocacy, policy and equality sector, for over 50 years. We look forward to working with you to further build, strengthen and invigorate WEL Australia. 

Jozefa Sobski AM

Convenor, WEL Australia, National Co-ordinating Committee