Women’s Electoral Lobby has advocated for women’s equality for every one of the last 50 years
Without fear or political favour we campaign for: pay equity, freedom from harassment, decent incomes and secure work, eliminating violence and assault, reproductive choice, women’s homelessness, free and universal childcare, equal representation of all our communities, and accessible education and TAFE.
Now, more than ever, Australian women need WEL and WEL needs your financial support.
Help us reach our goal of $25,000 to maintain and enhance our campaigns for the next 12 months. Every contribution makes a difference.
Make your tax-deductible donation to WEL before June 30. The Women’s Electoral Lobby provides Tax Deductibility through our sister organisation, the National Foundation for Australian Women’s portal
Select Women’s Electoral Lobby (NSW) or Women’s Electoral Lobby (Australia) from the ‘organisation or fund’ drop down list under ‘Donation details’.
Yes, we have a feminist friendly Government in Canberra and in many states and territories. This presents a challenge and an historic opportunity.
As fiercely independent advocates, we must redouble our efforts to ensure governments have the ambition and will to embrace and follow through on the deep reforms that can make Australia a gender equal society.
The Covid pandemic depleted our reserves. We know women, including members and followers, are bearing the brunt of cost increases.
WEL is facing an existential crisis: a future where we can no longer effectively undertake our volunteer work, with dwindling campaign and administrative resources. We completely depend on individual donations to maintain our viability.
It's the funds we raise now that will determine what WEL can do.
Whether we can mount our planned campaign on Women Say Yes to the Voice, keep on pressuring the Government to commit to a timetable for 52 weeks paid parental leave with super, advocate to adequately fund the National Action Plan to End Violence Against Women over one generation, stop and reverse the incremental rise in violence and sexual assault, and ensure genuinely universal access to contraception and abortion.
Thank you for your support for WEL.
Jozefa Sobski AM | ||
WEL Australia |