Are you a feminist who wants to see equality for every Australian? Sign our petition to let our representatives know - loud and clear - that you support marriage equality in Australia!
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The Women's Electoral Lobby stands shoulder to shoulder with the LGBTI+ community, always believing that we will not - and cannot - achieve equality unless it applies to everyone.
In these past few weeks LGBTI+ Australians have been faced with a glaring new reality - a non-binding postal survey on whether Australians support marriage equality.
For the record, we want to state that we firmly believe marriage equality is something that should be voted on in Parliament, just like how every other legislation is created or removed in this country.
However, as this situation has been thrust upon us, our decision now is to ensure that our united voices are heard. We must show our representatives that the majority of Australians want to live in a country where everyone is treated equally under the law.
Are you a feminist who wants to see equality for every Australian?