Donate Monthly

For over 45 years, WEL has relied on the donations of our wonderful supporters for carrying out its advocacy work.

Regular monthly donations give us funding certainty.  We can build capacity and plan our advocacy work into the future.  Our regular donors are secure in knowing that month by month they are supporting WEL’s work.

Will you be one of these? 

Your regular monthly deduction will help us to plan ahead to do more for women.

Prefer to direct debit?

Name: Women’s Electoral Lobby NSW Incorporated
Bank: Commonwealth Bank
BSB: 062 258
Account Number: 1103 9408
Reference: Donation_Surname e.g. Donation_Smith

Please send us an email [email protected] so we know it's on it's way. You can make this a regular transaction, and please let us know via email if this is the case.

Important information about your donation

Donations to WEL are not tax deductible. If you would like to make a tax deductible donation, please visit this page.

Select Women’s Electoral Lobby NSW or Women’s Electoral Lobby Australia.

If you would like to make your donation a one-off, click HERE.