You are invited to a free voter education session so you can THINK WEL BEFORE YOU VOTE in the federal + state elections in 2019. We will also discuss the issues affecting you and the people you care about.
Aim - to empower women, become informed about political, economic, legal issues
How - by providing voter education to women and raising awareness of how women can build relationships with their local MPs
Ongoing – ask your federal govt MP how they will take the pressure off people you care about?
The sessions (approx 2.5 to 3 hours) will cover:
• changes to Senate voting introduced in 2016,
• the 3 levels of government in Australia and their roles/responsibilities,
• difference between Senate and House of Representatives voting,
• finding out more about your candidate’s background, skills & what they stand for,
• building a relationship with your local MP who are 'your voice' in parliament,
• gathering info before election day to decide who to vote for.
RSVP at the button below or via email to [email protected]
For information call WEL 02 9517 4475.
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