
Are you a feminist who wants to see equality for every Australian? 

Women's Electoral Lobby stands with the LGBTI+ community, always believing that we will not - and cannot - achieve equality unless it applies to everyone.

LGBTI+ Australians face a non-binding postal survey on whether Australians support marriage equality. WEL is encouraging everyone to have their say by participating in the survey. 

Although we believe marriage equality is something that should be voted on in Parliament, our priority now is to ensure that our united voices are heard. We must show our representatives that the majority of Australians want to live in a country where everyone is treated equally under the law. 

What you can do today to support a YES vote:

1) Complete your survey and mail it back in the reply paid envelope supplied. Find your nearest postbox HERE.

2) Upload a photo of you 'posting your yes' to social media (use any or all of these hashtags #PostYourYES, #VoteYES, #YESforequality, #feministsformarriageequality) and encourage your networks to complete their surveys and get to the postbox today!

3) Stand for equality by talking to family and friends about a YES vote. Here's a conversation guide from the Equality Campaign.

4) Join a door knocking event in your area. 

5) Join a calling party to speak to YES voters and encourage them to return their surveys today.

6) Host your own calling party.

7) Reach out to your LGBTI+ friends and family. Check-in and see how they are doing. Let them know you support equality and you'll be adding your YES to help make sure all Australians are treated equally under law.




If you or someone you know is feeling particularly distressed during the marriage equality debate, the following LGBTIQ specific services are here for support:

Switchboard (Qlife) 1800 184 527
queerspace, drummond street services 03 9663 6733
Victorian AIDS Council (03) 9865 6700
Mind Equality Centre 1300 054 284
headspace (03) 9027 0100
Rainbow Network (03) 9479 8870
Kids Helpline 1800 55 1800
Black Rainbow (08) 9228 0354
Lifeline 13 11 14
Black Dog Institute (02) 9382 2991
Suicide Call Back Service 1300 659 467