In Australia, many low paid workers are women. 

We are increasingly concerned about the state of women's employment in Australia today. Day after day we hear reports of unpaid superannuation, underpayment of wages and legal entitlements, underemployment and the increasing prevalence of insecure casual and freelance employment. These problems fall most heavily on the most disadvantaged workers - and still in this day and age these are usually women. 
Many of them work 'pink collar' jobs, such as in childcare, aged care and retail, are paid minimum wage (and sometimes less), are working casually, freelance or on reduced hours, are not always having their superannuation entitlements paid, or are working in insecure employment.
Already we've seen Government cuts to women's crisis services, but increasingly we are also witnessing less and less emphasis being placed on improving working conditions for women, and as a result, less focus on policies which could improve women's lives.
It's clear we need to reignite pressure on our representatives to ensure women's working rights aren't put on the back burner. We don't want to witness a situation where all our gains - our rights - are put in reverse back to the 1950's. 
We know that politicians can easily spin figures and statistics, so we want to show them real life stories which they can't ignore. With your help, we will be creating a digital booklet of stories from women like you to present to our representatives. 
If you, or anyone you know, has had any one of these experiences, we'd love know about it. 

Will you share your story?

Please note: By submitting your story you agree that all content is your own and that you give permission to publish this story in materials including our website and social media. If we would like to use your story, we will be in touch to discuss how it may be used. WEL will not cite or publish anything you share with us directly without your permission and we will never share your data with any third parties without permission.