One day in February 1972, a handful of politically active feminists attended the rst ever meeting of the Women’s Electoral Lobby in Melbourne.

Since that day, WEL has been helping women achieve fairer pay, more opportunity and protection from sexism, discrimination and violence. We have become a formidable force in Australian politics and public life.

From those early days until the present, WEL has recognised the exhilarating power of women coming together. We’ve used this passion, solidarity and energy to harness the tools of democratic politics, and together, we’ve forced governments to actions that have changed women’s lives.

WEL members have campaigned tirelessly in State and Federal Parliaments, winning landmark victories on vital issues like reproductive rights. WEL women have rallied together to hold successive governments to account, critiquing their policies to expose injustice and inequality.

WEL has always brought women from all walks of life together to work for the good of all. Women of all ages, races and backgrounds have lobbied, marched, protested and carried out important research into the barriers that hold women back from a life of dignity, safety and success.

Governments, leaders, and public attitudes have changed rapidly, but WEL has always adapted, bringing new talents and fresh ideas to address each new challenge and give women a voice on the issues that really matter.

WEL is proudly reformist and always ambitious. Through passion, determination and strategic thinking, we have won many signi cant policy changes and law reforms to make life better for women everywhere.

WEL is feminist, not for pro t, non party political and independent. It has rarely received government funding and exists thanks to the generosity of its members and supporters.