WEL's Making Women Count Fund
Have you noticed the shift? The way women globally are exercising their freedom to speak out against sexism? Bravely calling out abuse of power? Women are letting decision makers know we are watching their words, actions and deeds.
Women collectively are making women count. You can be part of this amazing wave of equality by supporting WEL's campaigning and lobbying.
We want to change Australian women’s lives for the better, and we need your help.
With your financial support we can raise women's stories of domestic violence with Federal and NSW MPs and demand decent funding for women and children's emergency services. We will train women all over NSW to 'think WEL before they vote' in upcoming state and federal elections.
We will call out the erosion of services that women rely on, especially rural women, - schools, TAFE, maternity wards, mental health and paediatric specialists, as well as decent employment conditions.
The Women's Electoral Lobby is free to speak out because we don't receive government funding. WEL members have kept WEL ticking for 45 years.
Please strengthen WEL's work for equality. You can make WEL's impact grow by directing your donation to one of the following areas:
Please note: to make a tax deductible donation to WEL, please contribute via the National Foundation of Australian Women (NFAW) by clicking HERE. Select Women’s Electoral Lobby (Australia) or Women’s Electoral Lobby (NSW) from the ‘supported organisation’ funds drop down list under ‘Make a donation’.
The Women’s Electoral Lobby (WEL) is a national, independent, non-party political, feminist lobby group that has worked strategically and inspirationally to improve the position of women in society for 45 years.
Thank you for being part of the long line of women working together to achieve social change.
Learn more about our work HERE.
If you would like to make your donation regular, click HERE.