In October 2016 WEL, together with The Older Women's Network, submitted a discussion paper titled Response to Foundations for change - Homelessness in NSW Discussion Paper.
WEL and OWN recognise that combating homelessness is a complex challenge which requires government, the not–for profit sector, the community, the housing industry and potential financiers in the private sector to act and respond at many different levels. We accept the analyses from most economists that, left to itself, the market – especially the Sydney metropolitan market - will not in the short or long term produce an adequate supply of rental housing or housing for purchase which could be affordable for a significant proportion of the NSW metropolitan population: people with little or no wealth, in insecure or intermittent work, in receipt of average incomes or dependent on government benefits and pensions.
Read the full paper HERE.
The Women's Legal Service NSW also submitted a high quality paper: Foundations for change – Homelessness in NSW Discussion Paper.
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