When June 01, 2016 at 10:30am 2 hrs 15 mins
Where Miller Community Centre 18 Woodward Cres, Miller, NSW 2168, Australia

The Women’s Electoral Lobby and the Liverpool Women’s Resource Centre invite you to attend the women-only table talk “Making Women’s Vote Count!” in Liverpool this June.

We want to hear from women in Liverpool and surrounding suburbs about the issues that matter to you this federal election and discuss how to raise your voice with candidates.

Attendees will also hear from Shelter (peak advocate for housing justice) how their vote can make housing affordable and accessible for women in NSW. 

The first part of each session is about gathering stories from women about housing and how you make ends meet in your household, the second part of the session will discuss how you can use your #voteWEL at the polling booth on 2 July.

Join us to learn how women’s voices can change elections!

Note: please register for either the day or the night session (not both)


Will you come?