Media Coverage
WEL's #My2CentsWorth campaign has helped keep pressure on political parties to commit to funding women's refuges and front-line services, and helped to make sure domestic violence is part of the national conversation in the lead up to the federal election on 2nd July.
Here's a selection of articles:
'The Women's Electoral Lobby asked the parties to commit to funding its women and children's safety program, a $2 billion, five-year commonwealth-state program for refuges and other front line emergency services for women and children escaping violence.
The lobby has calculated the cost to the feds is just 2 cents per person, over the five years, and has come up with a clever #my2centsworth campaign to urge people to lobby the parties to support it.'
Read more of Anne Summers' article HERE.
'We today published our first domestic violence half-year report. In light of the 34 deaths of women due to domestic violence so far this year, and with just two days to go until the federal election, how do Labor and Liberals' family and domestic violence policies stack up?'
Read more of Daisy Dumas' article HERE.
'Just ten days before the election, the grim tally flicked to 34.' "Its outrageous that so many women and children are murdered at all in Australia in 2016."
Read more of Daisy Dumas' article HERE.
'So how many millions did the major parties announce to tackle the issue which kills two women every week in Australia?'
Read more of Emily Brook's article HERE.
'But according to Destroy The Joint figures, in 2015, 79 women were murdered and the vast majority of those victims were killed by a male family member.
Seventy-nine women. That’s almost double the figure of people who were murdered at Port Arthur. So where is the nation-wide sweeping law reform that might be considered analogous to that which followed Port Arthur?'
Read more of Nina Funnell's article HERE.
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