When September 26, 2020 at 2:00pm 3 hrs
Where Online: Zoom
Contact Zoe McClure [email protected]

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of WEL NSW: Incorporated Association will be held on Saturday, 26th of September commencing at 2pm.

Due to COVID-19 restrictions on gatherings, the AGM will be held on online using ZOOM.

In order to assist us with meeting planning, could you please RSVP via this website by the 18th of September 2020.

The ZOOM meeting details and meeting papers will be emailed one week prior to the meeting.



  1. Opening of the Meeting 
  2. Acknowledgement of Country
  3. Appointment of Minute Secretary
  4. Attendance and apologies
  5. Adoption of Minutes of the 2019 AGM 
  6. Annual Report
  7. Treasurer’s Report
  8. Adoption of Financial Statement for 2019-20
  9. Appointment of Honorary Auditor
  10. Appointment of Public Officer
  11. Elections
    1. Appointment of Returning Officer
    2. Elections (minimum of 9 positions)
      • Convenor
      • Deputy Convenor
      • Secretary
      • Treasurer
      • and a minimum of 5 ordinary Executive Committee members to be elected to a maximum of 14
      • NCC Representative

3. Declaration of elections by Returning Officer

Formal AGM concludes.



Following the conclusion of the formal business of our AGM, please remain with us for an online discussion Women Ageing Well, the financial reality for today, tomorrow and in the future.

Economists and others have warned that the effects of the coronavirus pandemic will reverse women’s progress towards gender equality. Before the pandemic, WEL was already concerned that as a result of lifetime economic inequality, domestic violence and other disadvantage, older women were the fastest growing cohort of Australians experiencing homelessness. The situation is most severe in NSW where Census data show that between 2011 and 2016, the number of women experiencing homelessness aged 55 and over increased by 48% and the number aged between 65 and 74 increased by 78%.

The financial and other impacts of the pandemic will leave many more women living in immediate and lifetime poverty and propel new generations of women into destitution and homelessness. These impacts include unemployment and underemployment, loss of superannuation, increased domestic violence and negative impacts on mental health and wellbeing.

We will be joined by two guest speakers, Nicki Hutley and Alison Pennington, to explore the financial future for women in more detail, and there will be an opportunity for questions following their presentations.

Nicki Hutley

Nicki Hutley is a highly experienced economist, with broad-based expertise gained over three decades of practice in financial and investment markets and in consulting. She is a senior partner with Deloitte Access Economics, and is particularly interested in the intersection of economy, society and environment.

Her research has covered areas from housing affordability to modern slavery, climate change to gender equity, and the impact of technologies on our economic structures.

In 2020, Nicki was admitted as an expert faculty member (economics) to Singularity University.

Nicki is a former Chair of the NSW Women in Economics Network, a current council member for the Economics Society of Australia (NSW) and the Australian Business Economists, and a Board member for One Million Women

Nicki is also a frequent commentator in the media and is a regular guest on both The Drum and The Project.

Alison Pennington

Alison Pennington is Senior Economist at the Centre for Future Work, associated with The Australia Institute. She conducts research on economic issues facing working people including impacts of the COVID-19 crisis, the future of jobs, skills and training, collective bargaining, sector and industry policies, and the role of government.

Alison has held previous roles in public finance, public sector unions, and music teaching. She considers economics a powerful tool for reinvigorating popular consciousness about how society is organised, and the discipline a natural home for building a vision of a more democratic and meaningful life for everyday people. @ak_pennington


We look forward to a great discussion with our members and friends.

Will you come?