This week Federal Parliament returns after a 116 day hiatus. With the Coalition on 76 seats in the House of Representatives, and an uncertain Senate, moving from 8 crossbench senators to 11, our 45th Parliament is set to be a very interesting stage indeed. It's at a time like this that our voices really matter. 

In this term of Government, the Women's Electoral Lobby will keep demanding reforms that ensure financial security for women. We'll be continuing our advocacy and lobbying the Government to commit to funding the Women and Children's Safety Program. We’re holding parties and politicians to their pre-election promises and continuing to examine how their policies really support women. 

We believe this is valuable work, and we think you do too. Will you join us?

When you become a donor or financial member of WEL, your support helps us -

  • conduct research, refine policy and run campaigns
  • advocate for women and thier children fleeing domestic and family violence
  • fight for women's financial equality across issues such as affordable housing, childcare and parental payments, the tax system and superannanuation
  • Lobby for women's reproductive rights
  • promote women in leadership
  • keep the pressure on government to create a fairer, more equal Australia
We’re committed to doing all we can to make our Australian society a place where women are respected and their abilities are prized. Will you help us?

We hope you'll take this journey with us and help us create a fairer world for Australian women!

Thank you for your support.

Learn more about donating to WEL's Federal Election Campaignvolunteering with WEL, becoming a member or find out about leaving a bequest on our website -

Amanda Keeling


Advocate, communicator, passionate re social justice, rights, civil liberties.